These sessions have been masterfully curated to forge the most capable functional fitness athletes. From strength & conditioning to hyrox specific technique, power development, erg work & more... You'll become the most well rounded & most badass version of yourself possible!
P.S. We're inclusive & open to suggestions so don't be afraid to fire them our way!
Build a solid engine with this heated power & erg engine focused session, with ever evolving WOD’s you’ll always have a fresh challenge to face
Develop your functional workout station technique, gain unstoppable momentum on the sled & prepare to nail your next Hyrox race
From easy social runs to structured speed work, intervals & endurance sessions - get the most from running as a team! Our run sessions are FREE to everyone! All abilities welcome!
These dynamic strength & conditioning sessions will refine your lifting technique & make sure you’re as strong and as aerobically fit as possible
Missed sessions on your program or just want to do your own workout?
Come on down and make the most of your Hyrox Training Club facilities